The Valentine’s Gift That Truly Matters

The Valentine’s Gift That Truly Matters

February 10, 20255 min read

As Valentine’s Day approaches, you might be thinking about flowers, chocolates, or a romantic dinner. And hey, those are all great (who doesn’t love a little chocolate?). But what if I told you there’s a way to show your love that lasts far longer than roses and holds far more meaning than any box of truffles?

I’m talking about estate planning—specifically, Life & Legacy Planning—the ultimate love letter to the people you care about most.

A Different Kind of Love Letter

Love isn’t just about grand gestures or perfectly curated date nights. The deepest expressions of love are often found in the quiet, intentional actions we take to care for and protect the people we cherish.

And while estate planning might not seem romantic at first glance, I’d argue it’s one of the most loving things you can do.

Think about it—when you create an estate plan, you’re writing a love letter that says:

“I care about you so much that I’ve taken the time to make sure that when I’m gone, you know what to do, you know how to find what I’ve left behind and make sure it’s easy to transfer to you, and I’ve left you the support so you don’t have to go it alone.”

It means your children will be raised by the people you trust, your spouse won’t face unnecessary financial hardships, and your loved ones won’t be left to navigate legal and logistical headaches during an already difficult time.

While we often show love through gifts, dinners, and vacations (which, to be clear, I fully support), those are temporary. A Life & Legacy Plan is a lasting demonstration of your love and care—one that ensures your family is protected for years to come.

The True Cost of Putting It Off

Many people put off estate planning because… well, life gets busy. You might tell yourself you’ll get to it later—when the kids are older, when work settles down when you have more time.

But here’s the truth:

The time you spend now creating a plan is nothing compared to the time, money, and stress your loved ones might face without one.

Without proper planning:

  • Your loved ones could end up stuck in lengthy court proceedings.

  • Family conflicts could arise over medical decisions or asset distribution.

  • Your children could end up in the care of someone you wouldn’t have chosen.

  • Your assets might not go where you intended.

  • And perhaps most heartbreaking of all—family relationships can suffer at a time when unity is needed most.

Estate planning isn’t just about money or documents—it’s about ensuring your family isn’t left with a mess when they need clarity and support the most.

What a Love-Based Life & Legacy Plan Includes

Not all estate plans are created equal. Some are just stacks of legal documents that don’t actually work when your family needs them. That’s not what I do.

A Life & Legacy Plan is a love-based plan that works when it matters most.

Here’s what that means:

  • If something happens to you, your children will be raised by the people you trust—those who share your values and will raise them the way you’d want.

  • Your healthcare wishes will be clearly documented so your loved ones aren’t left making impossible decisions during emotional times.

  • A thorough inventory of your assets ensures nothing is lost—or worse, handed over to the government.

  • You’ll have an ongoing relationship with us so that we can be there for you throughout your life and for your loved ones after you’re gone.

  • And beyond all the practical pieces, your Life & Legacy Plan also captures something far more valuable—your wisdom, values, and life lessons.

Through a Life & Legacy Interview, we help you document your stories, your messages to your loved ones, and the wisdom you want to pass down. Our clients tell me this is the most meaningful part of the process, and I have to agree.

Because in the end, what your family treasures most isn’t your money—it’s you.

The Best Time to Plan is Now

You wouldn’t put off telling your loved ones how much they mean to you.

So don’t put off cleaning up the mess you’ll otherwise leave behind now.

Creating a Life & Legacy Plan doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, with the right guidance (hi, that’s us!), it can actually be an empowering, even joyful experience—one that brings you peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be cared for, no matter what.

And when you work with us, we make the process easy—so easy you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

This Valentine’s Day, Give the Ultimate Gift of Love

This year, in addition to chocolates and flowers, consider a gift that truly matters—one that will last long after the roses fade.

A Life & Legacy Plan is one of the most powerful expressions of love you can give. It’s about making sure your loved ones are protected, provided for, and never left wondering, What do we do now?

Take the first step toward this profound act of love—schedule a call today: (859) 344-6742

This article is a service of Freedom Law Services. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed, empowered decisions about life and death for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Family Wealth Planning Session™. During the session, you will get more financially organized than ever before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Family Wealth Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this valuable session at no charge.

This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you seek legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained independently, separate from this educational material.

Eric Beutel is a son, husband and father of three. He grew up in the northern suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio. Guided by his parents’ wisdom, empathy, love, Eric grew to become a man who loves God, his family, and his country. A product of local public schools, Eric studied Quantitative Analysis and Marketing at the University of Cincinnati. After earning his Bachelor of Business Administration degree, he began a career in business taking on various roles, from database manager and programmer to business manager and financial analyst. While working, Eric earned an MBA from the University of Cincinnati. Finally, after establishing a career in business management and corporate finance, Eric embarked on his aspiration of becoming a lawyer. He attended law school at night while continuing his demanding full-time job as a senior member of the controllership team at GE Aviation. Eric graduated from Northern Kentucky University’s Salmon P. Chase College of Law. While in law school, Eric, his wife Kimberly, and their two children were fortunate enough to adopt a four-year-old boy from foster care. During the same time period, Eric’s father-in-law passed away suddenly from an aggressive cancer. These life-changing events led Eric to take stock and imagine who would take care of his family and their needs if something happens to him. These events led Eric to choose the practice of Estate Planning. He is committed to making sure the estate plans he assists families in making will keep up with all of life’s little changes (and the big ones too!). Eric focuses his practice on Estate Planning, Trusts, Elder Law, and Probate and serves the Northern Kentucky area.

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